Jun Xue
Jun Xue
TusPark Ventures


Mr. Xue now serves as Founding Partner and Managing Director of TusPark Ventures.
Prior to founding TusPark Ventures, Mr. Xue worked at China State Information Center and IBM, and was co-founder of three companies in the U.S. and China. Since 2002, Mr. Xue began his career in venture capital and was committed to investment in early technology and business model innovation enterprises in areas such as TMT, bio-medicine, clean technology, and modern service industry. He has personally involved and led over 60 hi-tech start-ups, such as Spreadtrum Communication (Nasdaq: SPRD) and Century Real Technology (Shenzhen 300150), and serves as director of several high-tech companies.
From 2005 to 2010, Mr. Xue served as Secretary-General of TEEC for six consecutive years. He worked as executive member of AAMA, and member of WEF Venture Capital Working Group. 
Mr. Xue holds a M.S. of Industrial and Systems Engineering from San Jose State University, a M. Eng. and a B.Eng. from School of Economics and Management of Tsinghua University.