伟高达创投 创始合伙人
李红霞于2005年加入伟高达,是投资委员会的成员之一,负责中国大陆的投资业务。李红霞女士拥有10余年丰富的行业经验,策划成立了多个业内联盟。在全球范围内,李红霞女士是美国考夫曼学者计划第十六届学者,组织和参与了该计划在中国的开展。 李红霞毕业于北京大学,并于新加坡国立大学取得硕士学位。 此外,李红霞女士还拥有特许金融分析师(CFA)证书,是中国CFA协会会员。  
爱情公寓,悠悠村, 爱乐奇,TWG Tea,酷云互动、卡得万利商业保理、波罗蜜、乐宝、漫游宝等多个项目,并担任董事会成员。

Linda Li
Managing Director & Partner of Vickers Venture Partners
Ms. Linda Li joined Vickers in 2005 and is a member of the Investment Committee. She is based in Shanghai and is responsible for investments in mainland China. Her areas of focus include consumer internet, mobile applications, digital healthcare and financial services.
Linda covered the portfolio companies including Tenfen Technology, Kuyun Interactive, ALO7, Lebao Tech, Cardvalue, Skyroam, Chinaway Supply Chain Management, DrugArray, Lumo Bodytech, Mobinex, UUCun, Hillstone, Joyberry, etc. She managed and participated in many portfolio acquisitions and realized over 100% IRR for UUCun. She also covers fundraising for RMB and USD funds.
Prior to joining Vickers, Linda worked as a Statistical Modelling Research Associate at Singapore’s National Institute of Education where she did statistical analysis and research reports for the Ministry of Education. Linda co-founded many groups for PE/VC professionals as well as Peking University Alumni. She also gave her speeches to young professionals in various events. 
Linda graduated from Beijing University and subsequently earned her master’s Degree from the National University of Singapore. She is a CFA charterholder and a Kauffman Fellow of class 16 from Silicon Valley.