Sequoia China
Sequoia China
The Sequoia team helps daring founders build legendary companies. In partnering with Sequoia, companies benefit from our unmatched community and the lessons we’ve learned over 45 years working with Apple, Cisco, Oracle, Google, Alibaba, Airbnb and among many others.
As “The Entrepreneurs Behind The Entrepreneurs”, Sequoia China focuses on four sectors: TMT, healthcare, consumer/service, and industrial technology. Over the past 12 years we’ve had the privilege of working with more than 300 companies in China, including Alibaba, Ali Pictures, AutoNavi, Beta Pharma, BGI, Deppon Logistics, Dianping, Didi, DJI,, Hero Entertainment,, Jumei, Meituan, Meilishuo, Momo, Noah, Ourpalm, Plateno Hotels Group, Qihoo 360,, SINNET, Snibe Diagnostic, Toutiao, VanceInfo, VIPshop, Wanda Cinemas, Weigao Group, Yuwell Medical, ZTO Express. Sequoia has operations in China, India and United States.