HYSTA  (Hua  Yuan  Science  and  Technology  Association)  was  founded  in  the  Silicon  Valley  in  1999  by  a  group  of  pioneering  Chinese  entrepreneurs.  Arriving  in  the  U.S.  first  as  students,  they  later  rose  to  prominence  as  founders  and  leaders  of  billion  dollar  public  companies.  They  hoped  to  build  a  better  connection  between  China  and  U.S.,  and  to  help  aspiring  Chinese  professionals  become  successful  entrepreneurs  like  themselves.  Hua  Yuan,  the  first  two  words  of  HYSTA,  means  "Chinese  origin"  and  represents  HYSTA's  deep  roots  in  China  and  with  the  Chinese  government.

Today  HYSTA  is  the  leading  association  for  aspiring  Chinese  professionals  and  has  created  a  unique  network  of  successful  Chinese  entrepreneurs  and  executives.  At  the  same  time,  it  has  become  the  first  stop  for  networking  and  exchanging  business  ideas  between  successful  Chinese  entrepreneurs  and  executives  in  the  Silicon  Valley  and  those  in  China.