Woobo 创始人CEO
谭丰,智能交互机器人公司Woobo Inc. 创始人CEO,累计融资近千万美元。2010年清华大学精密仪器系本科毕业,曾任精密仪器系学生科学技术协会主席,并获得清华大学机械设计大赛一等奖,清华大学挑战杯科技竞赛特等奖。2016年美国麻省理工学院机械系博士毕业,博士期间主要研究控制理论,人工智能和自动驾驶。曾经联合创立麻省理工学院中国创新创业论坛,并担任第一届联席主席。

Feng Tan 
Cofounder and CEO at Woobo Inc., developing smart companion robots for children education.
Feng graduated from Tsinghua University in 2010 with B.A. in Department of Precision Instruments. He finished his Ph.D. at MIT, majoring in Robotics, Artificial Inteligence and Autonomous Driving. He cofounded MIT-China Innovation and Entrepreneurship Forum and co-chair the 1st annual conference.