徐小平从 2016 年起连续三年入选美国福布斯杂志“全球最佳创投人”榜单(Midas List),并被清科集团评为“ 2017 中国最佳早期投资家”。 真格基金也连续四年获得清科集团授予的“最佳天使投资机构”大奖。
徐小平现任中国天使会主席、中国青年天使会荣誉主席、中国证监会基金业协会天使投资专业委员会主席等职务,此外徐小平还担任欧美同学会 2005 委员会理事长,以及未来科学大奖执行理事。

Bob Xiaoping Xu 
Founding partner of ZhenFund
A leading early-stage fund which has been ranked number one in top “Early-stage Investment Firms of the Year” by Zero2IPO Group for 4 consecutive years. Mr. Xu is known as one of China’s pioneering angel investors, Forbes Magazine selected him into Midas List, as one of the world's top 100 investors of the year for three consecutive years since 2016.
Mr. Xu is currently the president of China Angel Club, China’s top angel investor organization, and President of China Angel Committee by CSRC (China Securities Regulatory Committee).
Prior to founding ZhenFund, Mr. Xu was a co-founder of New Oriental Education & Technology Group (NYSE: EDU).